Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Young Streets Photojournalists Gettin' Ready to Document the Town..

East Oakland Community High School students enrolled in our Street Photojournalism course will take on some theory and mental training before hittin' the avenues with cameras and critical eyes. Our goal is to offer the world an accurate and true representation of youth of color in urban hoods like East Oakland. As we've already gotten into in class, mainstream media tends to warp who we are for the profit of a few. Dehumanizing images like those of Saartijie Baartman (also known as the "Hottentot Venus") are still used today to take away the humanity of populations of people, mainly people of color. Our goal is to examine how this takes place today, to develop the tools to create our own media of ourselves, and through our images expose the causes and affects of dehumanization and violence imposed on us from those in power.